Change in way of listing data on EU Digital COVID Certificates

Instead of the previously used coded values, certificates shall now list full values: vaccine product name and manufacturer name, test name and other grounds on which an EU Digital COVID Certificate is obtained

EU Digital COVID Certificates issued from 13 August 2021 shall, instead of the coded values listed until now, list full values on the basis of which the person has acquired the status necessary for issuing the said document, and in accordance with the technical specification of the European Commission of July 2021 regarding data sets for EU Digital COVID Certificates. Vaccination certificates, for example, shall therefore, instead of a vaccine code, list the name COVID-19 vaccines, as well as the full vaccine product name and manufacturer name.

The CovidGO mobile application from the version v1.4.65 onwards has also been updated to show the full values, instead of the codes used until now, when scanning the QR code.

It should be noted that all previously issued EU Digital COVID Certificates are valid in the format in which they have been issued and it is not necessary to apply for a new certificate.

More information is available at Change in way of listing data on EU Digital COVID Certificates–(