Right to the status of a parent caretaker or the status of a caretaker

The allowance for the parent carer or carer shall be EUR 663,61, EUR 796,34 or EUR 995,42 per month

The right to the status of parent caretaker or caretaker shall be granted for the care of a child with developmental disabilities or a person with disabilities who:
  • it is completely dependent on the help and care of another person because in order to maintain its life it is necessary to provide specific care by performing medical and technical procedures for which the parent or caregiver is trained according to the doctor's recommendation
  • fully immobilised and with the aid of orthopaedic aids
  • has a fourth degree autism spectrum disorder, or
  • which has several types of fourth-degree damage (physical, mental, intellectual or sensory) that makes it completely dependent on the help and care of another person in meeting the basic needs of life.
The right to the status of parent caretaker is granted to a parent of a child with developmental disabilities or a person with disabilities who fulfils the conditions laid down in this Act.
If there are two or more children in the family with developmental disabilities or persons with disabilities, the right may be granted to both parents.
If a child with developmental disabilities does not have a parent, if the parents do not live with him or because of a psychophysical condition are unable to provide him or her with the necessary care, the right to the status of caregiver may be granted to the spouse or non-marital spouse of the parent of the child with developmental disabilities, the life or informal life partner of the parent of the child with developmental disabilities, a relative in a straight line and a relative in a lateral lineage up to a completely second degree which meet the conditions laid down in this Act, as well as in the case of a single-parent family having two or more children with developmental disabilities or persons with disabilities.
The right to the status of carer is granted to a person of the choice of a disabled person with their consent, i.e. the consent of their legal representative, who lives in a common household with a disabled person.

Conditions for the recognition of the right to the status of parent caretaker or caretaker:

  • that the parent or household member is of age
  • that he has a business capacity
  • he's not deprived of parental care.
  • has psychophysical abilities to provide the necessary care and assistance and provides care
  • live in a household with a child with developmental disabilities or a disabled person fulfilling the above conditions and residing at the same address
  • trained to provide specific care by performing medical-technical procedures for the care of children with developmental disabilities or persons with disabilities fulfilling the above conditions and providing care.
The right shall not be granted:
  • if a child with developmental disabilities or a person with disabilities has been granted the right to a service of accommodation or organised housing, or accommodation in accordance with other regulations is provided except in the case of providing accommodation to a victim of domestic violence
  • if the child with developmental disabilities or the disabled person is a beneficiary of the whole-day stay service under the Social Welfare Act
  • if parents take maternity, parental or adoption leave for the same child
  • if the parent or other person is deprived of parental rights
  • a parent or another person where there is an obstacle referred to in Article 261 (1). Of the Social Welfare Act
  • where the person claimed has a life or life support contract or no termination, invalidity or cancellation proceedings have been instituted.

Amount of compensation

The allowance for a parent carer or carer is EUR 663,61 per month (1000% of the base) or EUR 796,34 per month (1200% of the base) if the child with developmental disabilities or persons with disabilities cannot be included in community programmes and services due to their health status or EUR 995,42 per month (1500% of the base) for a parent who independently nurtures two or more children with developmental disabilities or persons with disabilities and who is entitled to pension insurance, compulsory health insurance and unemployment rights, as an employed person under special regulations.

The calculation and payment of compensation, the establishment of public declaration data for compulsory insurance and the payment of contributions for compulsory insurance shall be made through the Croatian Social Work Institute, the funds for these purposes shall be provided in the State budget.

The parent caregiver or caregiver shall be entitled to compensation during the four-week rest period of the year, as well as during the temporary incapacity to provide care for up to two months, established by appropriate application of the rules of compulsory health insurance establishing temporary incapacity for work. During the use of rest or temporary incapacity to provide care to a parent caretaker or caretaker, a child with developmental disabilities or a person with disabilities may be granted the right to a accommodation service.

Right to carry out activities

During the duration of the right to the status of parent caretaker or caretaker, the beneficiary may receive receipts on the basis of other income in accordance with the regulations on income tax to which the contribution is paid for pension insurance and compulsory health insurance in accordance with the regulations on contributions for compulsory insurance if the performance of the work on the basis of which the other income is obtained does not conflict with the purpose of the recognised status of parent caretaker or caretaker.

Right to rest

The parent caregiver or caregiver may take four weeks' leave during the year.
During the period of rest, the parent caregiver or caregiver shall be entitled to compensation.

Exercise of rights

The procedure for the recognition of the right to the status of parent caretaker or caretaker is initiated at the request of the beneficiary at the regional office of the Croatian Social Work Institute, competent according to the residence of the beneficiary. The person is referred to an expert report at the Institute for expertise, Professional rehabilitation and Employment of persons with disabilities. The right is exercised on the basis of a decision of the competent regional office. The right shall be recognised on the date of submission of the application.

The addresses and telephone numbers of the regional offices can be found on the website of the Croatian Institute for Social work.

Termination of rights

The right shall terminate:
  • at the request of a parent caretaker or caretaker
  • if the circumstances under which the entitlement was granted change
  • if the parent caretaker or caretaker does not perform caretaker duties in accordance with the Social Welfare Act for unjustified reasons
  • if the parent caregiver or caregiver is in an investigative prison or serving a custodial sentence
  • if a parent caretaker or caretaker establishes an employment relationship, he or she performs a craft, independent or other professional activity
  • when the parent carer or carer reaches the age of 65, unless he/she continues to meet the legal requirements
  • the expiry of a period of two months in the event of a temporary incapacity to provide care to a parent carer or carer
  • not more than ten months after the date of death of the disabled child taken care of by the caregiver parent or caregiver or the date of death of the disabled person taken care of by the caregiver parent
  • the death of a disabled person cared for by a caretaker, the death of a caretaker's parent or caretaker
  • the eligible person enters into a lifelong or life support agreement; or
  • where any of the grounds listed in Article 64 (4) have arisen. Of the Social Welfare Act.